
Chaz at the 2011 ASSA
Video excerpts of Chaz in
Best Of Breed
Home of The 3Bs Versatile
Mystique's goal is
to have Shelties that have the
3Bs - Brains, Body, and Beauty.
Over the years we have had fun training and
showing in Agility,
Conformation, Herding, and
With the help of daughters,
Heather and Terra, I had the
time to train and show the dogs.
In the early days, both the
girls showed in Junior
Showmanship. But, they lost
interest, so Heather kept the
dogs and Terra kept me awake on
the road. Then I convinced
Terra to show again.
In a
year's time, she did quite well
in Juniors winning several Best
Junior Handler awards and took Ch Mystique
Fancy That all the way to an All
Breed Best
in Show in 1994. After the BIS
win Terra retired from showing.
Now the girls have grown up and
moved on with their lives.
We hope you enjoy
our kids much as we do.
Thanks for stopping by.

Member of the Shoreline
Shetland Sheepdog Club of
Baytown since 1986 |

Member of the American
Shetland Sheepdog
Association since 1993 |
How? Click on the above
Statement on PETA/HSUS
People and dogs share a
deep and abiding bond.
Selective breeding has
produced a wonderful
diversity of well over one
hundred specialized breeds
which benefit people in a
host of economic and
emotional ways. We deepen
that bond by competing
with our dogs in
conformation shows,
agility, herding, and
supports humane treatment
for all dogs, education,
voluntary spay/neuter for
non-breeding animals,
genetic research, and
ethical breeding
practices, including
health screenings, which
mean longer, happier,
healthier lives for dogs.
ASSA opposes the most
radical portions of the
agendas of groups such as
HSUS and PETA. These
agendas are not intended
solely to promote the
welfare of dogs, but seek
to bestow on them rights,
in some cases equivalent
to those of human beings.
They want to ban breeding
of all domesticated
animals, including
purebred dogs.
Join us in
fighting radical animal
rights legislation! |
Be sure the visit the
following sites
click to view

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