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Mystique Josie
Owned and loved by Kylene & Dennis Osha
CH Sandance Ardastra x Mystique Summer Escapade

Josie and Abby on their first Road Trip together, traveling through Colorad0 with their folks, Denny & Kylene Josie just being pretty! Josie having FUN!


 Josie and her big sister, Abby

More Pictures


This is what having dogs is all about!  I hope you enjoy the following note from Kylene & Denny as much as I do:

Hi Nancy,

 I started looking at old photo albums and ran across one of Abby as a puppy playing with a toy you hang from a tree limb.  We searched the RV until we found it and the photos that are attached are the result.  I'll be sending a second email with a short movie clip of the girls playing with the new/old toy.  I didn't want it to take forever to download.

 As Denny told you Josie has really blossomed since the RV trip this last summer.  She is everything we hoped for and more.  Both girls have trained the neighbors to come out and play with them thru the fence.  They want out every day at 3 pm.  First they check to see if John is out (he bribes them with beggin strips) and then they run to Bob's corner and bark for him to come out and play.  Bob has even purchased a ball just for them.  He stands outside the fence and throws the ball.  Josie is getting better about letting him have it back.  Abby actually drops the ball then shoves it under the fence to him.  I hadn't realized how much ALL our neighbors enjoy our dogs until Josie, Abby and I were out walking one day.  We usually play frisbee about that time.  We met a neighbor also walking and he said, "what no frisbee today?"  He has a view of our back yard between two other houses.  I didn't even know he knew we played frisbee.

 Any way the girls adore each other more than any two dogs we have ever had.  Josie does not like it when Abby is out of her sight.  When we walk, we walk with the girls on a tandem lead and people are always calling out to say how beautiful they are.  One man stopped mowing his lawn to cross the street just to say hello to the girls.  He remembered seeing Abby as a baby.  No one knows my  name but half of Sun City knows the girls names.

 Enjoy the pictures.  Movie clip to follow.
